DanielPox – Start


Web developer, designer and musician

Twitter: @danielpoxGitHub: danielpoxCodepen: danielpox
Courtesy of PixelGalleries

About me

Hi there! My name is Daniel and I’m a 26-year-old web developer, designer and musician.

I have about 16 years of experience in web development. A few years in I started to actually design my web projects.

Music is another aspect in my life, where I both play acoustic instruments, and compose digital music – although I haven’t made music for a while now.

I began my journey of web development some time during third grade in elementary school back in 2008. As a kid, I was a quick learner, and I’m thankful that I chose to begin coding at such an early age.

I’ve also taken game development courses at upper secondary high school, but haven’t really made anything special as of yet.

I started playing drums when I was around 5 years old, and I played for some 18 years, before I moved to an apartment. About 10 years ago I started trying to learn playing piano.

Also I ran my own web dev and design agency, working remotely, for a few years – before burning out in late 2018. Now I’m slowly recovering, and rediscovering the joy of coding.

Thanks for visiting my site!

— Daniel